Team BRP shooter Bob Vazquez shot at The first ever NRA Fullbore Nationals in Florida December 11-15, 2024, and won five medals. Two Golds, one Silver, Cold bore X metal, and a couple of bronze. The weather was great in florida except for a little bit windy as the easiest day was sixteen miles per hour. Gold Metal on 2nd day aggregate in 22 mph winds
Bob won three awards, The best one being gold medal on match 5. Out scored 201 shooters that match. Also took first place match eight, day two aggregate in master class. 4th place match 6 master class.
Team BRP Shooter Al Larson is the 2024 Michigan 1000 yd State Champ. It was a very challenging weekend, and even with Al having a rifle breakdown in relay 2, we managed to pull it off. In the first relay , I got a batch of defective primers, and three out of four would not go bang! So, I took the time to pull off my PRC barrel and switch to my 284 barrel in the rain. Al had ten shots to go when his rifle went down. As for NRA rules, he was allowed to switch rifles to finish the relay. Luckily.
I have a new chamber I designed, and he was able to use his ammo in my rifle and only dropped one point. After the
Relay, I ran down to the camper, repaired his rifle, and got him ready for the 3rd relay . He was able to finish the weekend with his own ammo and his rifle. A very memorable championship win for my buddy.
Jason Campbell Top F class shooter first place, 597-34X
BOB VAZQUEZ AND Al Larson won the two man team matches at nine hundred and the thousand yard in the 24th Annual Midwest Palma / F Class championship.
BOB VAZQUEZ Top F class shooter first place, JUNE 20TH, and 21TH MASTER CLASS
BOB VAZQUEZ Top F class shooter first place, and Top X ring ct. New F class shooter Jason Campbell took second place his first time out with his brand new 284 BRP 1000 yd rifle. Jason earned a try out to qualify for Team BRP this coming sunday morning
Bark River Precision's two teams BRP Black and BRP Green takes first and second place downstate at the Michigan thousand-yard Team Championship 8-12-22.
BRP Shooter Al Larson. Silver Medal Winner F-Open 8-14-22
Team BRP shooters take first second third and fourth.
Bob Vazquez- Gold medal, Al Larson-Silver medal,
Chris Collins-bronze medal, Jeff Gohl 4th place
Team BRP shooters Al Larson, and Bob Vazquez received silver and bronze medal at the Dave Wiik Memorial f-class match. 5/21/2022
BRP Shooter Bob Vazquez Second Place
BRP Shooter Bob Vazquez Silver Metal
10 Jul 2021
BRP Shooter Jeff Gohl Broze Metal
BRP Shooter Jeff Gohl Broze Metal
12 Jun 2021
Bob Vazquez
Team Match Championships. Aug 24 2018 First place winner in F Open: Team BRP, and Team McMillan in FTR. Bark River Precision State F-Open 1000 yard Team Champs. Two years Running: Bob Vazquez, Jeff Gohl, Chris Collins, Jordan Hafeman, and Al Larson
Bob Vazquez, Chris Collins, Jeff Gohl, and Al Larson
7mm Calouette by BRP.
The team won the silver medal in the first 1000 yard match.
Check out this great video. long range rifle competition.... f class matches